The path begins easily at the beginning of Mount Arqoub Romi, passing through many plants, trees and animals, most notably (hawthorn, Greek tortoise), species of animals, Gecko and the rocky mullet associated with malul trees, which indicates the health of the ecosystem).
Though hike, you will pass by the viewpoint, which is 308 degree above sea level, where you take a rest and enjoy watching the Lake of Tiberias, Tur Mountains and Golan heights.
Then the hike will takes you down to 142 above sea level, towards an archaeological landmark – Arqoub Romi – up to Ain Nini. The path ends at Al – Arayis pool.
Trail Details:
Distance: 12 Km
Note: Mittel
Time: 5-7 hours
Through the hike, you can take a rest and enjoy some old caves, rock formations and wells.
Then the path will takes you down to 85 meters above sea level, towards the Muntumra Valley, which is the end of the mountain path with tea break on the firewood.
Trail Details:
Guided only
Note: Mittel
Time: 3 – 4 hours
The trail provides you with the opportunity to see ancient frescoes in some old caves dating back to different era. The valley also has ancient ruins for dwellings used by humans in different periods.
By the end of the valley, you can enjoy the magnificent view of the Golan Heights, Lake Tiberias and the eternal Yarmouk River, then continue the path until it reaches Al – Mukhaiba village.
Trail Details
Guided Only
Note: Mittel
Time: 3 – 4 hours
Then the trail will leads you to the viewpoint, which is 308 degree above sea level, where you take a rest and enjoy watching the Lake of Tiberias, Tur Mountains and Golan heights.
The corridor is one of the evidence of previous civilizations, which contains water channels used in the Roman era, sections of rocks and caves, some military trenches, and an artillery point used in the sixties of the nineteenth century.
Trail Details:
Note: Einfach
Time: 1 – 2 hours