
Amán, the capital of Jordan, is a fascinating city of contrasts. It is a special fusion of old and contemporary, and it is located in a steep area between the Jordan Valley, which is rich in agriculture, and the desert. Modern structures, hotels, upscale eateries, art galleries, and boutiques coexist peacefully in the city’s commercial district alongside more traditional coffee shops and tiny artisanal studios. The numerous neighborhoods of Amán include everything from the bustle of the city’s marketplaces to the modern shopping district of Abdali and the art galleries of Jabal Al Weibdeh.

Your Amman Tour Guide

Amman Ancient Ruins

The Citadel is a prime location to begin, For those interested in embarking on a historical excursion. Positioned on a hilltop, it provides visitors with a glimpse into the rich history of Amman, as well as stunning vistas of the city center. Among the Citadel’s notable sights are the Umayyad Palace complex, the Temple of Hercules, and the Byzantine Church, all of which are considered essential attractions.

The Nymphaeum Constructed in 191 AD, the Nymphaeum was a significant two-story edifice, featuring fountains, stone carvings, mosaics, and possibly a 600 square meter swimming pool.

The Roman Theatre: The rebuilt Roman Theatre, which was constructed into three sides of the hillside in the second century AD and seats about 6000 people, is still in use today.

raq Al-Amir:

Iraq Al-Amir, which is southwest of Amman, is well-known for its copper-age hillside caverns and olive groves. One of Jordan’s few remaining pre-Roman architectural examples, Qasr El-Abd, is well worthwhile a visit while you’re in the neighborhood.

Iraq Al-Amir Women’s Cooperative:

The Noor Al-Hussein Foundation (NHF) founded Iraq Al-Amir in 1993. The area is famed for its many springs, which transformed the valley into a verdant landscape that has become a significant tourist destination. The region is also rich in ancient sites dating back to the Hellenistic era. More than (150) women from all the communities in Wadi Seer have received training initiatives from the Iraq Al-Amir Women Cooperative Society, which is controlled and operated by women.

The cave of the seven sleepers:

The cave of the sleepers, near Rajib Village in East Amman, is a medieval religious place of immense importance in Jordan and is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Kahf (the Cave).

The sleepers were young Christian boys who fled from the persecution of the Roman Emperor Trajan after being tormented and slept for 309 years in a cave. Today, the men’s tombs are still visible inside the cave, and you may peek inside to see the skeleton remains of the men and their dog. In addition to a mosque, the cave is surrounded by Byzantine and Roman remains, just as it is said in the Holy Qur’an.

Amman Museums and Galleries

El Museo Jordan está ubicado en la nueva y dinámica área del centro de Ras al-'Ayn. Al presentar la historia y el patrimonio cultural de Jordania en una serie de galerías bellamente diseñadas, el Museo de Jordania sirve como un centro nacional integral para el aprendizaje y el conocimiento que refleja la historia y la cultura de Jordania, y presenta de una manera atractiva pero educativa el patrimonio histórico, antiguo y cultural del Reino. propiedad patrimonial como parte de la historia continua del pasado, presente y futuro de Jordania.

Este museo está ubicado en el antiguo edificio del parlamento en Jabal Amman. Las exhibiciones en el museo ilustran la historia política del Reino Hachemita de Jordania en una configuración sorprendente y atractiva.

Situado en la parte superior de la Ciudadela de Amman, el museo fue construido en 1951 para mostrar la riqueza de los sitios arqueológicos de varios artefactos descubiertos durante las excavaciones en Jordania. El museo fue diseñado para depender de la iluminación natural (luz solar) a través de las ventanas en la parte superior del edificio y de lámparas eléctricas en las paredes del museo y encima de los armarios para no arrojar luz sobre los artefactos directamente y dañarlos.

Inaugurado por primera vez en 1971, el Museo Folclórico de Vestuario y Moda se estableció en la parte este del Teatro Romano de Ammán, con el objetivo de recopilar el folclore jordano y palestino de todas partes de Jordania para protegerlo y preservarlo para las generaciones futuras. El museo también tiene como objetivo mostrar nuestro patrimonio popular y presentarlo al mundo entero.

The Royal Automobile Museum was founded in 2003 under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II. The Royal Automobile Museum showcases an important part of Jordan’s political history from an interesting perspective. The exhibits also reflect the history of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through cars from the reign of King Abdullah I to the reign of King Abdullah II. More recently, it has included many non-Jordanian vehicles and bikes, such as a 19th-century bike, a Bugatti and other rare vehicles. One of the most important items of the museum is the Lincoln Cabri convertible, 1952 model, which was used by late King Hussein Bin Talal during his studies in England, and also during his crowning ceremony in May 1953.

The National Gallery of Fine Arts is one of the most important art museums in Jordan, because it is contains some of the most important art collections from 60 countries with a highlight on local and regional artists. The museum’s collection comprises of over a thousand pieces of art.

Una galería de arte contemporáneo con sede en Amman, Jordania, Nabad ha estado exhibiendo y proporcionando obras de arte de artistas emergentes y establecidos de Jordania desde 2008. Además de buscar promover el arte jordano, Nabad también exhibe una serie de artistas del mundo árabe en general y más allá. , con vistas a cultivar el diálogo intercultural entre los artistas y con el público.

Familias jordanas, palestinas, sirias y libanesas construyeron las casas que forman Darat al Funun. Son un recuerdo vivo de la historia de Jordania y la historia compartida de Bilad al Sham. Darat al Funun hoy es un oasis para las artes con vista al concurrido centro de la ciudad vieja de Amman. Además de visitar las exhibiciones de arte contemporáneo de Darat, muchos vienen a admirar la arquitectura tradicional de Amman, asisten a eventos en el sitio arqueológico, leen un libro en su biblioteca de arte o dan un paseo por los jardines.

El Museo de los Niños es una institución educativa sin fines de lucro lanzada por Su Majestad la Reina Rania Al Abdallah en 2007. El Museo se extiende sobre 8000 m2 de más de 180 exhibiciones interactivas interiores y exteriores e instalaciones educativas, como la Biblioteca, el Estudio de Arte, Tinker Lab y Secret Garden, junto con programas educativos, eventos y espectáculos durante todo el año. Desde su apertura, el Museo de los Niños de Jordania ha recibido más de 2,5 millones de visitantes.

Amman Streets and Souqs

Walk through this beautiful and busy downtown fruit and vegetable market where locals shop for their fresh produce. Duke’s Diwan: A unique look into the architectural heritage of Amman, this home has been converted by its owner to a public space for artists and musicians. While the home’s initial purpose served as Amman’s first post office in the 1930s, the building was then transformed into a hotel and then into the creative space that it is now. It is truly a an immersive experience bringing visitors back through Amman’s history.

Habiba Sweets: Habiba is one the most famous places that serves Knafeh. It is considered a complimentary dessert to the hummus and falafel dishes at Hashem Restaurant nearby. The place is always packed full of people who stand in line waiting to get their share of the delicious ‘Nabulsi Kanafeh’. The dessert can be eaten in the courtyard near the restaurant or pre-ordered for large events and gatherings. Hashem Restaurant: Hashem Restaurant is one of the oldest restaurants in the country and is famous for its Hummus and Falafel. The restaurant has managed to maintain its standards for over forty years and there isn’t a single person in Amman who isn’t familiar with the location. Its downtown branch is usually full of visitors at any time of the day. The beauty of Hashem Restaurant is that locals and foreigners frequent this famous establishment. Jadal: Jadal is located on Al-Kalha, one of the oldest staircases in Amman, in a house that dates back to 1933. It connects Downtown, the heart of Amman, and Jabal Al-Weibdeh, an area full of ambitious cultural projects and artistic initiatives. The project is a private non-profit initiative, providing an area in which cultural and intellectual activities are pursued in an attempt to create and share progressive societal concepts, cultures, and values.

Rainbow Street es una de las calles más antiguas de Amman y se ha convertido en un centro para visitantes locales e internacionales. Llena de cafeterías, restaurantes y algunas galerías de arte esparcidas aquí y allá, la calle es un lugar de visita obligada en Amman para ir de compras, salir por la noche o disfrutar de una comida sencilla.

Este mercado callejero de verano en Jabal Amman está abierto los viernes e incluye puestos que venden productos locales, cafés emergentes, comida callejera y actuaciones en vivo de bandas y músicos locales. Si estás en Amman durante el verano, ¡no puedes perderte esta actividad familiar!

La Royal Film Commission es un comité que tiene como objetivo desarrollar la industria de producción local alentando a los jordanos a utilizar películas y medios audiovisuales para expresar sus ideas originales. La comisión también brinda oportunidades para que el público y los cineastas se reúnan, vean películas independientes e intercambien ideas, además de apoyar las producciones cinematográficas locales e internacionales en el Reino.

View the great collection of working steam locomotives, formerly used for as part of a pilgrimage route connecting the Ottoman Empire to Saudi Arabia and an intrinsic part of the Great Arab Revolt in 1918. For more of an in-depth look at the history of the station make sure to visit the onsite museum.

The 99 must-try activities! From historic sites to tasty treats, there’s something for everyone. Whether you love history, food, or outdoor fun, Amman has it all. Join us as we explore the city’s markets, landmarks, and hidden gems.