Биосферный заповедник Дана и эко-лодж Feynan


Дана — крупнейший природный заповедник Иордании, покрывающий около 320 квадратных километров впечатляющих гор и вади вдоль склона Великой рифтовой долины. От палящих песчаных дюн на западе до прохладных горных вершин на востоке, биосферный заповедник Дана является домом для самых разнообразных диких животных. Есть растения и животные, характерные для настоящей пустыни, средиземноморских лесов и сухих равнин России. На самом деле Дана — это действительно плавильный котел видов с трех континентов: Европы, Африки и Азии. Такое сочетание природных сообществ в одном районе является уникальным для Иордании, и многие животные и растения Даны очень редки. На сегодняшний день в заповеднике зарегистрировано в общей сложности 700 видов растений, 190 видов птиц, 37 видов млекопитающих и 36 видов рептилий, из которых 25 находятся под угрозой исчезновения, включая песчаную кошку, сирийского волка, малую пустельгу и шипохвостая ящерица. Без особого ухода некоторые из них могут навсегда исчезнуть с Земли, что делает биосферный заповедник Дана местом мирового значения.

Район деревни Дана с видом на живописный Вади Дана был заселен примерно с 4000 г. до н.э. Археологические данные указывают на то, что палеолитическая, египетская, набатейская и римская цивилизации были привлечены в этот район плодородной почвой, источниками воды и стратегическим расположением. Сегодня деревня Дана населена в основном кланами племени «Аль-Атаата», которые поселились в этом районе во времена Османской империи, около четырехсот лет назад, и построили нынешнюю деревню. За прошедшие годы многие семьи из деревни Дана переехали в соседнюю деревню Кадисия в поисках лучшей работы, школ и жилья. Разрушающаяся деревня Дана была почти заброшена, но благодаря усилиям по сбору средств «Друзей Даны», динамичной женской группы в Аммане, было восстановлено более 70 традиционных каменных домов, что позволило некоторым семьям остаться в деревне.

Впечатляющий ландшафт района Фейнан и живущие в нем общины имеют необыкновенную историю. Хотя исследования все еще продолжаются, можно сказать, что Фейнан имеет одну из самых длинных последовательностей человеческих поселений в мире. Фейнан является домом для некоторых из первых сообществ человечества и является одним из старейших и наиболее важных центров устойчивой добычи меди в древнем мире и одним из наиболее хорошо сохранившихся из-за отсутствия современной добычи.

Класс: легкий

Расстояние: 1,5 км

Time: 1 hour

Starting time: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm.

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Описание: Эта круговая прогулка вокруг кемпинга Руммана — отличное место, чтобы увидеть птиц, особенно во время миграционных сезонов. С живописных смотровых площадок вдоль тропы открывается живописный вид на горы Дана.

Оценка: Легко модерировать

Расстояние: 1,5 км

Time: 1.5 hours

Starting time: 08:00 am – 03:00 pm.

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Требования: Не бояться высоты.

Описание: Эта тропа начинается в кемпинге Руммана и проходит мимо необычных образований из песчаника Шак-аль-Кальб (Вади Собаки) к группе небольших пещер, которые, как полагают, были религиозным убежищем или отшельником.

Оценка: умеренная

Расстояние: 2,5 км

Time: 2 hours

Starting time: 08:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m. from the Rummana Campsite

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Description: This circular trail starts from the campsite and ascends to the top of Rummana Mountain, where the views of Wadi Araba are breathtaking. Highlights on the trail include magnificent sandstone and limestone formations, birds of prey, and beautiful views of the nature reserve.

Оценка: умеренная

Расстояние: 8 км

Time: 3 – 4 hours

Starting time: 08:00 a.m. from either the Rummana Campsite or the Dana Guesthouse

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Description: This trail contours the huge escarpments of Wadi Dana between the Rummana campsite and Dana Village. Passing through the terraced gardens of the village, the trail offers breathtaking views of the canyon-like Wadi. If desired, the trail can be done in reverse, from Dana Guesthouse to the Rummana campsite.

Класс: легкий

Расстояние: 2 км

Время: 1-1,5 часа

Starting time: 08:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m. from the Dana Guesthouse

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Description: Starting from the Dana Guesthouse, this trail winds above Dana Village and through the terraced gardens and local craft workshops. Visitors can meet the local residents, see original Ottoman architecture, and learn more about Dana’s rich history.

Оценка: Легко модерировать

Расстояние: 2 км

Time: 2 hours

Starting time: 08:00 a.m. – 03:00 p.m. from the Dana Guesthouse

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Требования: Транспорт от гостевого дома Дана до начальной/конечной точки в Кадисии; приемлемый уровень физической подготовки; нет страха высоты.

Description: This circular trail begins from the Al-Barrah area and takes you to beautiful mountains, springs and ancient ruins in the Nawatef Area.

Оценка: умеренная

Расстояние: 8 км

Time: 3 – 4 hours

Starting time: from either the Rummana Campsite or the Dana Guesthouse

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Description: This trail contours the huge escarpments of Wadi Dana between the Rummana campsite and Dana Village. Passing through the terraced gardens of the village, the trail offers breathtaking views of the canyon-like Wadi. If desired, the trail can be done in reverse, from Rummana campsite to the Dana Guesthouse.

Уровень: от среднего до сложного

Расстояние: 3 км

Time: 2 – 3 hours

Starting time: 08:00 a.m.

Group size: 6 – 20 people

Требования: Транспорт в район Аль-Барра и обратно; нет страха высоты

Description: This circular trail traverses from Al-Barrah, through a breathtaking Siq, and to Shaq al Reesh

Класс: средний

Расстояние: 14 км

Time: 5 – 7 hours

Starting time: 08:00 a.m. from Dana Guesthouse

Group size: 10 – 20 people

Description: Start from the Dana Guesthouse at 1200m above sea level and adventure down through the beautiful Dana Biosphere Reserve to Feynan at 325 m. Cross paths and exchange warm greetings with local Bedouin tending their goats or stop to rest and enjoy sweet tea. Experience the four different bio-geological zones of Dana and keep an eye out for the many rare forms of flora and fauna to be found here such as the Nubian ibex. For those looking for a steeper challenge, this hike can be made in reverse, uphill from Feynan to the Dana Guesthouse. Local drivers can transport your luggage to the lodge or the Guesthouse. There is an additional charge for transfers.

Уровень: Сложный

Расстояние: 19 км

Time: 8 – 10 hours

Starting time: 07:00 a.m.

Group size: 10 – 20 people

Требования: Транспорт в район Наватеф и обратно; высокий уровень физической подготовки; нет страха высоты

Description: Perfect for adventure lovers who have no fear of heights, this trail descends through Wadi Dathneh, past an oasis, and through Wadi al Hamra to the Feynan area.

Уровень: Сложный

Расстояние: 18 км

Time: 7 – 8 hours

Starting time: 7:00 a.m.

Group size: 10 – 20 people

Требования: Транспорт в и из Аль-Мансура возле района Шубак; нет страха высоты

Description: Continue along the gravel riverbed of the Wadi, alongside a flowing stream, to the entrance to Wadi Ghweir. Very similar to the famous Siq in Petra, the trail leads through magnificent sceneries of different stone formations and many unique plants and trees on both sides of the river. The scenery is so breathtaking it has been known to cause visitors to forget about everything else — including how long they have been hiking! After 3.5 hours, you will have tea and you can rest and learn more about the area from your guide. From there, continue to the Byzantine archaeology at Khirbet Feynan until you reach your final destination at Feynan Eco lodge.

*Эта тропа закрыта в случае дождя в окружающих горах из-за возможности внезапных наводнений.

Grade: intermediate to advance (no children permitted for safety)

Distance: 2km

Time: 2 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 10

Description: Start a great day in the wilderness with this challenging sunrise hike. Depart from the lodge at dawn with one of our local Bedouin guides to climb into the mountains just as Bedouin shepherds do with their goats each morning. This hike involves negotiating Bedouin shepherd trails atop the ridgelines of steep hills and cliffs that surround the lodge. There are two different trails, the more challenging Abu Khalil route (a local elder) ending by his winter and summer beits (‘homes’ in Arabic) and the Abu Mohammed route (another local elder), ending by his beit. At the summit of both routes, you will be able to gaze for kilometers over Bedouin villages, ancient ruins, and the desert of Wadi Araba. The colors over Feynan are fantastic as day breaks and the sun begins to shine over mountains, canyons and the surrounding desert surrounding.

Grade: easy, suitable for all ages

Расстояние: 1,5 км

Time: 2 hours

Starting time: 90 minutes before sunset time. Check schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: no limit

Description: Every evening, guests are invited to join the lodge’s guides on a 20-minute stroll to the top of a gentle outcrop to watch a sunset like no other. Against the dramatic backdrop of rugged, multi-colored mountains, the sun descends, spreading vivid ambers, violets and reds across the canvas of the evening sky. Take this rare opportunity to witness the end of the day in the Bedouin camps below; with children wandering home from play, women tending the evening fires and men rounding up their herds in a peaceful dance as the sun falls to the haunting sounds of the call to prayer. Feel the gentle breeze ushering in nightfall as stars dot the sky and guides brew fresh mint tea over the warm fire. The whole activity takes 2 hours, including 40-45 minutes of walking.

Класс: средний

Расстояние: 3 км

Time: 2.5 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 15

Description: Discover the hidden uses of the plants of the Dana Biosphere Reserve. Our guides will explain how the Bedouin use different plants as soap, herbs, medicines and treatments for their animals. This circular hike is also a great route to spot some of the birdlife that call the Dana Reserve home and see the varied geology of the Great Rift Valley unfurl before your eyes.

Grade: easy, suitable for all ages

Distance: 6-7 km

Time: 3-4 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 15

Description: Learn how vast deposits of copper were discovered, mined and processed at Feynan by ancient civilizations thousands of years ago and what an important supply center Feynan was for the Roman Empire. Come explore deep, long forgotten mine shafts and visit nearby sites to see how the copper was transported and refined, leaving vast slag formations from the smelting process that are still visible today.

Grade: easy, suitable for all ages

Distance: 5-6 km

Time: 3-4 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 20

Description: Uncover the remarkable history of Feynan through the many archaeological treasures that dot the landscape surrounding the lodge. Well-preserved Roman ruins include an aqueduct and mill. Remnants of an early Byzantine monastery and church still stand atop a nearby hill and the remains of Neolithic settlements attest to the shift from a nomadic way of life to that of permanent dwellings and agriculture.

(Year-round), guided or self-guided

Grade: easy, suitable for all ages

Distance: 6-7 km

Time: 3-4 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 20

Description: This half-day hike explores the lower end of Wadi Dana. Starting from the lodge and the open desert-like zone of Dana Biosphere Reserve, the trail gradually becomes greener as the hike moves more and more into the valley of Wadi Dana, with tall peaks that line either side of the valley. Highlights of the hike include passing through groups of Bedouin families in traditional goat-tent homes, seeing natural springs, and catching a glimpse of some of the birds that call Dana Biosphere Reserve home. This hike returns to the lodge along the same route.

Grade: Easy to intermediate

Distance: 7-8 km

Time: 4 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 15

Description: This scenic trail begins from the lodge and passes by Khirbet Feynan, where many Byzantine and Roman ruins are preserved passing onwards into the Wadi Ghwayr basin (Wadi means valley or canyon). Following the gravel riverbed, the trail proceeds onwards past a Neolithic settlement estimated to be over 11,000 years old. The trail then follows the riverbed past pink oleander, reeds and other plant life. A regular stream of water keeps the gorge green and alive. Our guides enrich the experience by explaining the local uses of the plants as medicines, soap and shampoo. Before returning, our guides will prepare for you a cup of tea to enjoy along the scenic path. The route returns the same way back to the lodge. Be prepared for your feet and ankles to get wet.

*Эта тропа закрыта в случае дождя в окружающих горах из-за возможности внезапных наводнений.

Уровень: Сложный

Distance: 14-15 km

Time: 6-8 hours

Starting time: check daily schedule on http://www.ecohotels.me/feynan/calendar

Group size: up to 10

Description: This hike is ideal for those wishing to take in the full spectrum of landscapes and terrains Feynan has to offer. Beginning from the lodge, set out towards Wadi Dana, with mountainous peaks to either side of the Wadi. Here, you might chance upon some of the beautiful birds that call Dana home or some of the beautiful plants and flowers lining the gorge. Further, on you will have a chance to explore the lower end of Wadi Ghwayr, another bountiful Wadi that receives seasonal flows from rainfall in the mountains to the east of Feynan. Here you can explore some of the Neolithic, Roman and Byzantine ruins that demonstrate the historical importance of the area on your return leg back to the lodge.

*This hike is closed mid-September to mid-October for Ibex breeding season.

– See more at http://www.wildjordan.com/eco-tourism-section/dana-biosphere-reserve#sth…